Join / Renew Membership

The Members Area of this website is made available to all members in good standing of the ACCP.  We hope this online area will serve as a hub to access information on compliance issues. 

When your yearly membership dues are paid you will receive the and password to access the Member Area pages.

Online Documents can be viewed under the following categories;

  • Current membership list with contact information
  • Benefits of Membership -special discounts made available to members only
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Knowledge Base- archive of past presentations and information
  • ACCP Correspondence including :Sample policies/ procedures, Sample letters, Commentaries, issue updates and submissions to regulators and responses

Membership Fee and Renewals- Pay Online:

$100.00 per person -If new member please type "new" in invoice number box
Members Name
Invoice Number

The information contained on the Association of Canadian Compliance Professionals (“ACCP”) website is for general information purposes only and is the opinion of the writer(s). This information is not intended to provide specific personalized advice including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal, accounting or tax advice. We strongly recommend that you seek appropriate, qualified professional advice before acting or omitting to act based on any information provided on the ACCP website.



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© 2024, Association of Compliance Professionals

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