
Our goal is to promote a centralized location for compliance professionals actively seeking career opportunities in Compliance and related fields.  As a prospective employer your job posting will benefit from the networking potential of ACCP members across Canada.

Initial job posting are for a 30 day period with an option to renew in 30 day increments at a reduced rate.

List your opportunity with us!


To place your ad, pay for the posting with the Paypal buttons below. Once completed, email us a PDF file of the ad as you would like it to appear on the website. Once your ad is received it will be posted by our Webmaster and an electronic invoice/receipt will be sent via return email. It’s that easy!

Step 1:   Purchase Your Listing

Initial Job posting – $200 (30 days)

Renewal – $100 (each additional 30 day period)

Step 2

Please email job postings to :

The information contained on the Association of Canadian Compliance Professionals (“ACCP”) website is for general information purposes only and is the opinion of the writer(s). This information is not intended to provide specific personalized advice including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal, accounting or tax advice. We strongly recommend that you seek appropriate, qualified professional advice before acting or omitting to act based on any information provided on the ACCP website.



Financial Accounting Services provided by Wallington Chong LLP, Chartered Accountants.
© 2024, Association of Compliance Professionals

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